Product & Service Launch

A successful product or service launch into the Aging Services industry is critical for credibility and long term viability. The success of your first (or next launch) could determine your company’s survival in Aging Services.

A solid product or service launch has the potential to deliver solid positioning and revenue to your company. It’s one of the few opportunities to introduce your firm to an industry that is bombarded with firms that assume Aging Services operates, and is marketing to, like other healthcare related industry’s. So why do so many firms struggle to get it right? It’s not because they’re unlucky. It’s because they failed to recognize and understanding the fundamentals of a successful Aging Services industry launch:

  1. Listing to the market (and customer).
  2. Refining product capabilities to customer needs
  3. Precise messaging and positioning of your product or service
  4. Understanding the dynamics (and potential conflicts) between meeting resident needs, staffing constraints and regulatory requirements
  5. Establishing clear launch goals (metrics)
  6. The significance of strategic relationships
  7. Walk before you run (confirm, confirm, confirm)
  8. Timing of launch in the midst of a challenging, sometimes volatile industry