The field of aging services (long term care) is tumultuous, chaotic, and challenging and that is on the good days! The outcome of this difficult working environment results in increased turnover, decreased levels of satisfaction, poor quality, or at worse – burnout! Learn more
Healthcare is ever changing and can be filled with challenge and chaos for the professional nurse. Many are hopeful they can just survive the tumultuous environment from day to day.
Research indicates that those with increased levels of resilience not only survive in such environments, but often THRIVE, resulting in increased work performance, job satisfaction and reduced turnover. Increased quality and customer satisfaction also correlate to higher levels of nurse resilience. Learn more
The personality of a leader is formed through development of intellectual quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ) or emotional intelligence (EI). IQ is stable by adulthood but EQ is always in process. EQ impacts decision making and behavior thereby providing growth opportunities for development of leadership skills. Learn more
During our Generational Differences in the Workforce session we will present and discuss the impact generation change is having on our present and future workforce and workplace. The coming years will see a fundamental shift in how we work, the tools and resources available and the skills required. Our ability to prepare for this coming change will define our success in build successful organizations. Learn more
Nearly a decade ago, Gallup unveiled the results of a landmark 30-year research project that ignited a global conversation on the topic of strengths. More than 3 million people have since taken Gallup’s StrengthsFinder assessment, which forms the core of several books on this topic, including the #1 international bestseller StrengthsFinder 2.0. Learn more
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is vital to being an effective and high-performing member of any team. In this seminar, your staff will become familiar with this proven EI model and learn how to apply EI skills for maximum effectiveness as they gain insight and tools they can apply to make their job and career more effective, satisfying, and successful. Learn more
Medications are an integral part of care provided to older adults. Many drugs play a positive role in limiting or solving a health problem but monitoring can be complicated due the risk of side effects and comorbidities. According to research from CMS, the use of nine of more medications in elders increases the risk of adverse drug events (2010). Learn more